creating samskaras 

to achieve vision 100%

sustainable safe road travel FOR ALL

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AoRS is Attention

Road safety requires dedicated attention


aoRS is meditation

Road Safety requires anticipatory gratitude prayer

AoRS IS prevention

Road Safety requires advance prevention.


inner mastery

art of road safety 

We can use our intellect to use our mind to change our brain to change our mind for the better and science support this.

Build your strong mindset through road safety oath and oath of commitment.

Learn and understand the inner mechanism and  apply it in outer world sensibly to get a desired outcome. Change your mind to change your life.

Practice golden rules of super special pedagogy of road safety to save yourself from yourself and also for the inner mastery in road safety. 

Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. .

engage in anticipatory practice

Pure vegetarians never violate their dietary rules out of the urge of any urgency and instant gratification, because they have strengthen their mindset and inner intelligence. 

Road users never build strong mindset and they are dominated by their minds. Mind always guide us to do the easy things in place of right things. Mind always encourage us to enjoy the taste of the senses and deliberately dragging us to the same pit again and again. We are trapped in the self-deception pattern without our knowledge. 

Build a strong mindset by adopting road safety oath and oath of commitment to nation and yourself.  Must engage in anticipatory practice for the inner power mastery in road safety. Make informed choices and respond rather than react.

With art of road safety, you can become better than the rest, and we want to ensure that no one is left behind in the category of rest.

Road users who are active practitioners become super experts in road safety and they are to contributing to achieve sustainable safe road travel for all. It is guaranteed that they will never lead their lives towards accidental suicide.
